Returns & Exchanges
You can request a return, refund, or exchange within 30 days of receiving your order. If more than 30 days have passed since delivery, we unfortunately cannot process a return or refund.
All returned items must be unused (though trying them on once for size is fine) and include all original packaging. Any clear signs of wear will disqualify the return. You’ll also need your receipt or proof of purchase.
You are responsible for the shipping and handling costs on returns or exchanges. We recommend reviewing your order carefully before placing it. If you prefer not to cover return shipping, we can offer a partial refund (50% of your total order) instead.
To start a return or refund, please log in to your Alfa-Jewelry account or email us at Do not send your product back to the manufacturer.
Please send your returned items to:
Raappavuorenreuna 2 B 19
01620 Vantaa, Uusimaa
Phone: +358445552841
We highly recommend using a trackable or insured shipping service to ensure safe delivery. We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages if you choose an uninsured method.
You may exchange an item for another product of equal value. If the original product is no longer in stock, you can pick an alternative item of the same price.
No, only regularly priced items are eligible for a refund. Sale items cannot be refunded.
Yes. If your order extends 10 business days past the promised delivery window, you’re eligible for a full refund. Please contact us quickly if you notice any significant delay.
Business days refer to Monday–Friday, excluding local public holidays.
Once we receive and inspect your return, we’ll email you about whether your refund is approved or rejected. If approved, we’ll process your refund to your original payment method within a few business days.
First, double-check your bank or card account. If you still don’t see the refund, contact your credit card company or bank, as processing delays can occur. If it’s still not resolved, please let us know.
For any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at We’re happy to help!